Is AI Just Another Software Tool, Or A New Digital Species?

Hi Friends.

Is AI a new digital species?

This is the metaphor being used by Mustafa Suleyman, CEO of Microsoft AI. He argues that viewing AI in this context, rather than just as another tool, better prepares us to tackle complex ethical and development issues today, and in the future.

This ‘species’ concept is provocative and likely to be controversial. It gave me pause. I realized I’d been falling into the “cliche trap” too. It’s easy to do. It’s also intellectually lazy.

Mustafa argues that far from being ‘just another software tool’ AI is the infinite inventor, a reflection of us, and the culmination of everything we’ve created.

What do you think? If you don’t have time to watch the full Ted Talk video, I’d suggest scanning the summary below.

It’s powerful stuff.


AI’s Impact on the Workforce: Will it make Universal Basic Income a necessity? The British computer scientist regarded as the “godfather of artificial intelligence” says ‘yes,’ the government will have to establish a universal basic income to deal with the impact of AI on inequality.

New Approaches to Cancer Treatments: Cancer treatments can be harsh and physically damaging. However, technology like AI and robotics are now helping to discover more effective drugs which have fewer side-effects.

Electricity Grids Creak as AI Demands Soar: There’s a big problem with generative AI, says Sasha Luccioni at Hugging Face, a machine-learning company. Generative AI is an energy hog.




As the ability to converse with it, is core to AI success, we’ve also put together a handy infographic summarizing the top insights from Google’s recently released AI Prompting 101 Guide.


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Meet Jackson Barn Cat a.k.a. JBC, office manager, resident AI-whisperer, and all-around curious cat. Each week he’ll nose bop a new challenge 😺


“AI Authority” comes not only with knowledge, familiarity, and confidence, it comes too, from having your own defensible POV.

Mustafa’s viewpoint may not reflect yours, but it may put you (as it did me) onto a more questioning path.

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