Is Your Job AI-Proof? Wrong Question. Here's What To Ask Instead.

Plus: Download Our Essential AI Ethics Checklist For Business

Hi friends

"Is your job AI-proof?"

If you're still asking this question it should be a wake-up call ⏰!

The AI revolution is happening now, whether you choose to participate or not.

Some may remember wondering if your job or business would be "internet-proof" in the '90s - or would it be outsourced? Seems quaint now, doesn't it? In the end, the Internet didn't replace so much as transform.

AI is poised to do the same but on an even grander scale.

Here's the truth: AI isn't going to politely wait for us to catch up. We won’t become an AI authority through osmosis. The onus is entirely on us to step up and engage.

AI can happen WITH you or TO you. 

The choice is yours but it's a choice that requires deliberate effort and action. It's about you, right now, deciding to shift from a defensive posture to an offensive strategy, and taking control of your professional future in an AI-driven world

So, let's reframe the question: Are you ready to put in the effort to thrive in the future workplace?

Remember, in the world of AI, the most valuable player isn't the most intelligent algorithm - it's the human who knows how to work with it effectively.


The end of instruction manuals - and more. Aveva has launched an AI system that can read and learn operating manuals on their behalf .. this particular AI has memorized technical manuals for power grids and wind turbines.

Retribution for a deep fake scam: Early this year, AI-powered fake audio of President Biden reached voters in New Hampshire. The FCC struck back swiftly

Artificial intelligence may help experts identify toddlers who may be autistic, researchers have said after developing a screening system they say has an accuracy of about 80% for children under the age of two.


This week, we’re revisiting Meshy, an AI App that enables you to create 3D models from a simple text or image prompt plus text-to-texture functionality. I’m using the free version in this simple demonstration.


There are quite a few other 3D AI apps available. The article below does a good job of introducing a number of them - so if 3D is your thing, dive in!


Custom QR Codes like these (text to Image) could be a great little branding device. There are tons of tool options available but I used Mojo AI which is conveniently integrated into Canva and Chat GPT and offers a generous free credit program. Tbh, I failed to ‘‘activate’ these examples. I’m going to continue to noodle with them, but maybe you’ll have more luck than I did.


The subject of AI ethics may not set your world alight, but is an essential component of earning a badge of “AI Authority.” Luckily we’ve also made it pretty easy to grasp the basics, with this handy Ethics Checklist. This may oversimplify a deep, complex, and nuanced subject, but is a good starting point.

AI-Ethics-Checklist.pdfA Report on Why AI Ethics Are So Important in Business Plus Handy Ethics Checklist486.06 KB • PDF File


In this new feature, we’ll be exploring many of the different ways AI can act as a consultant, coach, teacher, teammate, and more. The key? “Just ask AI.”

Meet Sarah, a 38-year-old marketing manager at a mid-sized company. She's heard a lot about AI but hasn't really engaged with it yet. After reading this newsletter she decides it's time to take action, and starts by opening up ChatGPT with a new sense of purpose. She asks:

  1. “I’m new to AI and want to integrate it into my marketing work. What are the first three steps I should take?"

  2. "Can you suggest some beginner-friendly AI tools for content creation and social media management?"

  3. "I'm worried about falling behind in my career due to AI. What skills should I focus on developing to stay relevant?"

These three questions are only the beginning of her conversation with AI, but cover immediate action steps, practical tool recommendations, and long-term skill development - a well-rounded approach for Sarah to begin her AI journey in marketing.


Keep an eye on our Free Digital Library of high-value e-books, reports, and infographics. Something new is added every week! 📚️ 

Also, check out our YouTube channel where you’ll find a collection of our published videos. ⏩️ 

IBM: AI For Everyone: Master the Basics. A Free (unaffiliated) course from IBM 🎓️ 

For those of you who are interested in getting regular AI tech and company updates Matt Wolfe hosts a terrific channel on YouTube.  


Meet Jackson Barn Cat a.k.a. JBC, office manager, resident AI-whisperer, and all-around curious cat. Each week he’ll nose bop a new challenge 😺


Pick a platform offering free credits, or a free trial period, and see what you can create.

The examples I’ve created here and in previous newsletters are pretty basic. I’ll be very interested in hearing your thoughts on the outputs you generate.

By the way, if you are all out of ideas for prompts, don’t forget: “Just ask AI 😃 


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