⛏️ 💫 Mining Gold from Messy Meetings with AI

When Your Brain Goes Everywhere (Except the Meeting)

Remember last week when we talked about organizing our brilliant but scattered thoughts? Well, this week we're tackling another classic nuero-spicy challenge: getting the most from meetings when your mind has other plans.

Picture this: You're in an important meeting. The presenter is sharing crucial information, and you're determined to stay focused. But suddenly, you realize they just said something about quarterly projections, and you're... planning a vacation to Finland In your head? Complete with snowshoeing and sledding?

(Don't worry - we've all been there. That trip sounds amazing, by the way.)

Traditional meeting strategies tell us to:

  • Take better notes

  • Stay more focused

  • Just pay attention

  • Stop getting distracted

For those of us with neurodivergent minds, these "solutions" aren't solutions at all - they're just more ways to feel guilty about how our brains naturally work.

🌟 Enter AI: Your Meeting Memory Partner 🌟

Think of AI as a kind of an “alter-ego-brain” that:

  • Never zones out

  • Catches every detail

  • Sifts out the good stuff

  • Understands context

  • Connects the dots

  • Is fluent in both neurotypical and neuro-spicy

And best of all? It doesn't judge when your brain takes a scenic route through Lapland during budget discussions.

Why AI Works for Minds Like Ours

Our brains don't process meetings in neat, linear ways. We might:

  • Hyperfocus on one fascinating detail

  • Make unexpected connections

  • Process information in waves

  • Need time to synthesize

  • Miss things in real-time but catch up brilliantly later

AI adapts to these patterns instead of fighting them. It becomes the bridge between our natural thinking style and the traditional meeting structure.

Your AI Meeting Toolkit

Supporting Tools:

  • Voice recording apps

  • Smart note-taking devices

  • Meeting summarizers

  • Task extraction tools 

To find the AI apps that fit your needs, there are several extremely good tool directories listed below.

Find Your Flow

AI and ADHD. Taming Meeting MayhemUsing basic AI tools to help capture and collate meeting content and outputs844.00 KB • PDF File

✨ Pro Tip: Don't force yourself to process everything in real-time. Let AI be your memory buffer - you can explore and organize the content when your brain is ready! ✨


There are several great AI Tool directories accessible for free. Here are a few good ones. Don’t feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tools; these directories make it easy to drill down.

There’s An AI For That (TAAFT): The #1 website with 27,728 AI tools listed; easy to filter and sort.

Futuretools: Categorized lists, concise tool descriptions, and a strong online community.

There’s an AI: A curated collection of top AI tools designed to boost productivity, automate tasks, and streamline your workflow.

Product Hunt: Real-time community feedback and reviews, and early access to new AI projects.

Meet Jackson Barn Cat, our office manager, AI whisperer, and all-round curious cat. Each week he’ll nose bop a new challenge.

The Meeting Miner:

  1. Choose one recent meeting recording or transcript

  2. Feed it to your favorite AI assistant

  3. Ask it to find:

    • The main decisions

    • Your contributions (even the tangential ones!)

    • Hidden connections you made

  4. Share one surprising insight it uncovered

Weekly Poll

Do You Get the Most from Meetings

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

In last week’s poll about organizing idea capture it seems that sorting them out in our heads is still the most popular approach.

Next Week

We'll explore "Time Blindness and AI Time Travel" - how AI can help us navigate the mysterious realm where "just five minutes" becomes two hours, and deadlines seem to exist in a parallel universe.

The Last Word

Your "distracted" meeting mind isn't broken - it's processing information in its own unique way. The challenge isn't your attention span; it's that traditional meeting structures weren't designed for minds that process at quantum speeds and in multiple dimensions simultaneously.


About Me: After decades of sitting in international boardrooms—trying to force my ADHD brain to process information "normally"—I finally discovered that my divergent thinking style wasn't a bug, it was a feature. Now, with AI as my partner, I'm showing others how to turn their unique neuro-spicy minds into professional productivity.

We love hearing your views, insights and questions: [email protected]